August 9, 2025
Goodland, KS
Check in 8am - 11am MDT
Show starts at 1pm MDT
All times are Mountain Time
Online Pre-Registration required for programs by Weds, August 6, 5pm.
If you have Friday morning show, please enter at show or email:
Show Programs will be ran by Friday noon, so get your entry in to be included in program!
You may still sign up on Saturday but you may not be listed in show program.
Concession Stand will be available: 4-H Junior Leaders will be providing a concession stand in the South end of arena.
*Note: If
you will be arriving on Friday night for Tri State Royal, there should
be electric hookups available if needed. Pay at the Fair office in large
Ag building. We ask that you NOT put your animals in pens until after
shipping of our county livestock animals is completed. After that you
are welcome to use pens.Our county livestock auction usually finishes around 9pm then shipping out begins.
Bedding is available for $8.00/bag. Cattle are on sand no other bedding please.
If you need to make changes, please call 800-211-6456 or I will see you on Saturday!
**All animals shown in this show must be a selected overall Grand Champion winner in the specie class they enter at their county 4-H/FFA livestock
show/fair. See "eligibility rules" for Reserve Champions. Each year there is confusion about showmanship Champions. If your county has grand champions from multiple classes (example: Jr,Int,Sr) (Breed Champions) or (Market heifer/steer Champions) the judge would need choose from those winners to declare ONE as a Tri State Royal representative and reserve.
Animals shown in this show must be the selected overall Grand Champion winner in the respective specie class they entered at their county 4-H/FFA livestock show/fair. We do not have breeds/market heifer/market steer separation at this show.
Each county may only have ONE representative per class.
Your county fair judges would choose ONE overall per specie class listed below to be Tri State Royal representative. There are no ages/breeds/male/female divisions at Tri State Royal.
Showmanship class is one only (all ages) per species. There is NOT a separate Junior, Inter, Senior class. Your County Fair will need to choose ONE showmanship representative to be represented at Tri State Royal.
Please prepare on the county level to save confusion at our show.
Exception: If the Grand Champion is unable to attend the Reserve Grand champion may participate instead.
Order of Show
Showmanship (One class all ages combined)
Breeding Ewes (One class all breeds combined)
Market (One class all breeds and male/female not seperate)
Showmanship (One class all ages combined)
Breeding Does (One class all breeds combined)
Market (One class all breeds and male/female not seperate)
Showmanship (One class all ages combined)
Breeding Gilts (One class all breeds combined)
Market (One class all breeds and male/female not seperate)
Showmanship (One class all ages combined)
Breeding Heifers (One class all breeds combined)
Market (One class all breeds and male/female not seperate)
Elite Show Supply will be at the Tri State Royal
Stock up on your quality show supplies!